Le site du parti de l'In-nocence

Pétition / traduction

Envoyé par Renaud Camus 
13 juillet 2017, 00:30   Pétition / traduction
Soit ce texte :


Paris est méconnaissable. Stupéfait, le monde assiste au suicide de la Ville-Lumière, que le changement de peuple et de civilisation transforme en un véritable coupe-gorge. Pourtant le maire de la ville crée toujours plus de centres d’accueil pour les migrants et veut voir étendu ce modèle désastreux au moindre recoin du territoire français. Le gouvernement d’Emmanuel Macron s’apprête très probablement à légiférer en ce sens.

La “politique de peuplement” fait comme si l’Europe était un désert à coloniser. Partout sur le continent — sauf en quelques pays, Hongrie, Pologne, Slovaquie, République tchèque, etc., qui ont de la tyrannie des souvenirs moins lointains, et résistent à l’invasion imposée —, partout les autorités nationales et supranationales, oublieuses de leurs propres peuples, de leur identité et de leur souffrance, décrètent et répartissent la submersion migratoire, la substitution ethnique, le Grand Remplacement, l’avènement de l’homme remplaçable. Elles le font hypocritement en appelant à la compassion, alors que leur politique d’appel d’air précipite sur les routes et les mers des masses humaines inouïes, qui comptent une proportion infime de réfugiés authentiques mais qui paient tous les jours à l’espérance d’une vie meilleure, ou à la volonté de conquête, leur sinistre tribut de naufragés.

Européens, vous êtes abandonnés et trahis par des gens qui veulent vous imposer le règne du profit et l’interchangeabilité générale. Révoltez-vous ! En signant cette pétition, manifestez votre droit à des patries qui demeurent les vôtres. Si nous sommes plus d’un million à la signer, les institutions européennes devront enfin nous entendre et ainsi renoncer au chaos migratoire qui condamne à la disparition programmée de notre civilisation.

Renaud Camus Karim Ouchikh


Quelqu’un pourrait-il le traduire en italien ? néerlandais ?

D’autre part cette version anglaise est-elle correcte ?


Paris is not to be recognized. Amazed, the world witnesses the suicide of the City of Light, transformed into an authentic death-trap by the change of people and civilization. Yet the mayor creates ever more accommodation centres for migrants and wants this desastrous model of action extended to the most remote parts of french territory. Emmanuel Macron’s government looks like he is ready to legislate along those lines.

The “populating policy” acts as if Europe was a desert to be colonized. Everywhere on the continent — except in a few countries, Hungary, Poland, Slovaquia, the Czech Republic, etc., which have of tiranny less distant memories, and resist imposed invasion —, everywhere national and supranational authorities, forgetful of their own peoples, of their identity and of their suffering, decree and spread over migratory submersion , ethnic substitution, Great Replacement, the advent of replaceable man. They do it hypocritically by appealing to compassion, while it is their own in-draughts policy which throws on roads and seas unprecedented human masses, among which are a tiny proportion of authentic refugees but which pay everyday, to their hope of a better life or to their desire of conquest, their sinister toll of castaways.

Europeans, you are abandonned and betrayed by people who want to impose upon you the rule of profit and the reign of general interchangeability. Revolt ! By signing this petition, manifest your right to homelands which remain yours. If we are more than one million to sign it, european institutions will have to hear us at last and to give up the migratory chaos which condemns our civilization to deliberate extinction.
13 juillet 2017, 12:01   Re : Pétition / traduction
Cette version anglaise est évidemment correcte. Mais si vous le permettez, j'en prépare qui pourrait lui être meilleure.
Utilisateur anonyme
13 juillet 2017, 12:11   Re : Pétition / traduction
La voici en anglais, quelque peu amendée et fluidifiée...


Paris is no longer recognizable. The world witnesses in awe the suicide of the City of Light, now transforming itself into an authentic death-trap as its people and civilization change. Yet its mayor creates ever more housing projects for migrants and wants this disastrous pattern to be extended even to the most remote parts of the French territory. Emmanuel Macron’s government now seems ready to legislate along those lines.

This “populating policy” acts as if Europe were a desert to be colonized. Everywhere on the continent—except for a few countries such as Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, etc., whose memories of tyranny are less distant, and who resist the imposed invasion—, everywhere, national and supranational authorities, forgetful of their own people, of their identity and of their sufferings, decree and enforce migratory submersion, ethnic substitution, the Great Replacement, the advent of the replaceable man. They do it hypocritically by appealing to people's compassion, while in fact it is their own policy—which functions as a promise of welfare benefits for the invaders—that throws an unprecedented human mass of people on the roads and at sea, among which only a tiny proportion consists of authentic refugees, who go everyday, either in hope of a better life or because of their desire of conquest, to their sinister death as castaways.

Europeans, you have been abandoned and betrayed by those who want to impose upon you the rule of profit and general interchangeability. Rise up! By signing this petition, you can claim your rights to homelands which must remain yours. If we are more than one million to sign it, European institutions will have to hear us at last and thus renounce the migratory chaos which condemns our civilization to deliberate extinction.
13 juillet 2017, 12:53   Re : Pétition / traduction
Proposition d'une autre version anglaise :


Paris has now changed beyond recognition. An astonished world is beholding it committing suicide, through the change of its people and change of its civilization, making what was once known as the “City of Lights” a hopeless, crime-ridden cesspool. And yet the Mayor of the city is having more structures opened up to greet migrants and want to see this disastrous scheme upscaled to the entire territory of France, sparing no area, however remote, from its reach. The Macron Government is very likely to pass bills to achieve this in the near future.

This “populating policy” is consistent with the perception of Europe as a wilderness to be settled by newcomers. Everywhere on the Continent – with the exception of a handful of countries such as Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic who, having less distant memories than ours of what tyranny means, tend to resist the invasion being forced upon us --, national and supranational authorities, forgetful of their own peoples and deliberately ignoring their identities, and the hardships they are being subjected to through this policy, make this influx of migration a new law, and apportion its bulk across the Continent; they authoritatively steward the ethnic substitution process, the Big Replacement, and the advent of the Replaceable Man. And as they do so, they act as hypocrites, urging their constituencies to compassion, whilst they are implementing a policy which creates the infamous “succion effect”, putting on roads and sea routes masses of humans on a Biblical scale. Only a tiny proportion of these migrants are sincere war refugees and these have to pay their daily tribute of sea fatalities to the illusion by some of a better life in Europe and the desire by others to conquer and subdue the Continent.

Peoples of Europe ! You have been forsaken and betrayed by autocrats who are determined to impose the rule of profit and universal interchangeability of man!

Arise now!

Sign this petition ! Assert your right to have a homeland that remained yours! If there are more than one million of us to sign, European institutions must at long last hear our call and forgo their migration chaos policy that is the doom of our civilization.

[modifié "interchangeability" au lieu de "changeability"]
13 juillet 2017, 17:13   Re : Pétition / traduction
Merci beaucoup à tous les deux. Elles sont en effet meilleures.
Utilisateur anonyme
13 juillet 2017, 18:22   Re : Pétition / traduction
Peut-être qu'une traduction en espéranto, pour calmer nos amis remplacistes... ?
Utilisateur anonyme
16 juillet 2017, 08:12   Re : Pétition / traduction
C'est pas gagné... : [m.fr.de]
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