Le site du parti de l'In-nocence

Moshe Brown, Hillel Handler, Vera Sharav

Envoyé par Francis Marche 
Lettre à la Cour pénale internationale de trois survivants de l'Holocauste:

We as survivors of the concentration camps, witnessed many atrocities being committed in
the Second World War and we were told this would never happen again , but yet it is
happening again.

What a damning realisation: How many elderly people were coerced by fear to take the
'vaccine' and have not survived? How many survived the Holocaust but didn't survive the
COVID-19 injection? How many survived the medical experiments in Auschwitz and Birkenau
but didn't survive this contemporary medical experiment?

We therefore implore you to accept the joint 'Request for Investigation' from the United
Kingdom, Slovakia, France and the Czech Republic and immediately and without further delay,
open an urgent investigation into the crimes against humanity, the genocide and the breaches
of the Nuremberg Code by numerous Perpetrators, which has resulted in so many needless
deaths and serious injuries and continues to do so on a daily basis.

Eh bien dites donc... Je ne sais pas si vous avez entendu le Pr Cyrille Cohen, un immunologue israélien qui commente parfois l’actualité covidienne dans le monde et en Israël en particulier sur quelques chaînes françaises, vacciniste convaincu, bien sûr : je vous jure qu'en le voyant je me suis dit qu'il avait la tête d'Eichmann, je trouvai la ressemblance frappante !
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