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Prix nobel de la paix - le point de vue de Rush Limbaugh

Envoyé par Gérard Rogemi 
Ca nous change un peu des commentaires lénifiants de ces dernières heures.

Nobel Gang Just Suicide-Bombed Themselves

"Obamamania comes as little surprise to Rush Limbaugh, who e-mailed us this morning after we asked him to share his thoughts. “The Nobel gang just suicide-bombed themselves. Gore, Carter, Obama, soon Bill Clinton. See a pattern here? They are all leftist sell-outs. George Bush liberates 50 million Muslims in Iraq, Reagan liberates hundreds of millions of Europeans and saves parts of Latin America. Any awards?” Limbaugh says “Obama gives speeches trashing his own country and for that gets a prize, which is now worth as much as whatever prizes they are putting in Cracker Jacks these days.”

“This fully exposes the illusion that is Barack Obama. It is a greater embarrassment than losing the Olympics bid. And with this "award" the elites of the world are urging Obama, THE MAN OF PEACE, to not do the surge in Afghanistan, not take action against Iran and its nuclear program and to basically continue his intentions to emasculate the United States. They love a weakened, neutered U.S. and this is their way of promoting that concept. I think God has a great sense of humor, too.”
10 octobre 2009, 13:23   Pandora Box
George Bush liberates 50 million Muslims in Iraq,

Oh le bel aveu! Jamais le mot liberate n'aura été utilisé à meilleur escient qu'ici.
10 octobre 2009, 13:29   Re : Pandora Box
Francis vous qui maniez l'outrance mieux que quiconque vous devriez concéder à Limbaugh ses propos extravagants ?
11 octobre 2009, 00:14   Re : Pandora Box
Vous n'avez pas dû lire l'intitulé de mon message, l'ami Rogemi.
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